SEC Filings

Stock Info
SC 13DFiling by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5%Dec 31, 2015Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in HTML.Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in DOC file.Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in PDF file.Open Filing by person(s) reporting owned shares of common stock in a public company >5% in XLS file.
EFFECTNotice from the SEC of registration effectivenessDec 18, 2015Open Notice from the SEC of registration effectiveness in HTML.Open Notice from the SEC of registration effectiveness in DOC file.Open Notice from the SEC of registration effectiveness in PDF file.
EFFECTNotice from the SEC of registration effectivenessDec 17, 2015Open Notice from the SEC of registration effectiveness in HTML.Open Notice from the SEC of registration effectiveness in DOC file.Open Notice from the SEC of registration effectiveness in PDF file.
FWPFree Writing ProspectusDec 17, 2015Open Free Writing Prospectus in HTML.Open Free Writing Prospectus in DOC file.Open Free Writing Prospectus in PDF file.Open Free Writing Prospectus in XLS file.
FWPFree Writing ProspectusDec 14, 2015Open Free Writing Prospectus in HTML.Open Free Writing Prospectus in DOC file.Open Free Writing Prospectus in PDF file.Open Free Writing Prospectus in XLS file.
CERTNYSCertification by the New York Stock Exchange approving securities for listingDec 14, 2015Open Certification by the New York Stock Exchange approving securities for listing in HTML.Open Certification by the New York Stock Exchange approving securities for listing in DOC file.Open Certification by the New York Stock Exchange approving securities for listing in PDF file.
DRS/ADRS/AAug 7, 2015Open DRS/A in HTML.Open DRS/A in DOC file.Open DRS/A in PDF file.Open DRS/A in XLS file.
DRS/ADRS/AJul 15, 2015Open DRS/A in HTML.Open DRS/A in DOC file.Open DRS/A in PDF file.Open DRS/A in XLS file.
DRS/ADRS/AJun 17, 2015Open DRS/A in HTML.Open DRS/A in DOC file.Open DRS/A in PDF file.Open DRS/A in XLS file.
DRS/ADRS/AApr 13, 2015Open DRS/A in HTML.Open DRS/A in DOC file.Open DRS/A in PDF file.Open DRS/A in XLS file.
DRSDRSFeb 27, 2015Open DRS in HTML.Open DRS in DOC file.Open DRS in PDF file.Open DRS in XLS file.